As I am entering my last week (I leave December 18), I am beginning to think about all of the things in Brazil that I will miss. I cannot believe that two months have come and gone in what seems like the blinking of an eye. I have truly come to love this place. So without anymore sentimental ramblings, I will begin my list of things that I love and will miss.
1. The people. Why? Well, on your way to the store, at least one person and most likely far more than that will just strike up a conversation with you. I love this! Everyone is so friendly. Granted, I do have a problem with this and that is the fact that I understand pequeno. Therefore, I find myself smiling, laughing and hoping that "sim" or "da" are the appropriate responses. I will really miss my students and the staff here...I really enjoy each day because I know that I get to see them.
2. Guarana...I might have some serious withdraw problems...This is a Brazilian pop that is only found is flavored by some a fruit and has more caffeine than Mountain Dew...(its ingredients are found in many American energy drinks). Let's just say, I just got back from the store and bought as much as I could to take back with me...

3. The breggae music. Now this music is like an annoying techno...the background is techno but then you have voices shouting in is played all through the night (very loudly) and from cars like the picture below...I do not think I will be able to sleep without blaring music, it might be too quiet.

5. The styles. Let's just say the hot weather effects the styles and trends...sometimes I catch myself staring at some of the latest fashions...I think this picture says it all...
6. The terrential downpours....yesterday I got caught in a good rain...I have never been so drenched. I was on my way back from the mall and since I do not have a car I use the bus. The bus stop is within walking distance, but still quite a hike. I was drenched to the bone. It was wonderful.
7. The hippie fair. I love the hippie fair, I am going this Sunday and it will be my fourth time. It is basically a public square filled with little huts selling crafts and things. I love it because everything is cheap, handmade, and it is always filled with people.
Those are just a few of the things that I will miss, and there are many more. I have truly loved Brazil and most of that is because of the people. I know I will miss it very much! Someday, I hope to return.
On another note, I am so excited to see everyone from home!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to be in the snow (notice how I did not mention the heat as something I will miss).