Monday, April 26, 2010

Life Lately

Well, it has been a while, but I have been inspired by a friend of mine (Emily Rose...who is thinking about opening a photography does Emily Rose Photography sound? other ideas?).
Well lately I have been on the job hunt, but that is nothing very exciting (pray!!!). So I will get to the fun stuff! I have been realizing that I only have four weeks left of my college experience....bwwaaahhhh! (That was me crying.) So, I am trying to be as nostalgic as possible. Taking pictures at every favorite place for example or remembering all of my lasts. Here are some of my fave pics.

I will be having my last Taylathon soon...go SENIORS!!! I will also be having my last day in the month of April while in college soon. Please give suggestions of where and what to do to commemmorate my last few fleeting moments.

Livin Life,


    what a great blog
    so great i can barely stand it
    oh emm geeee...
    i can't get over it.
    you're a literary genius
    ellen is going to feature you on her show soon as blogger of the year...

  2. You should definately climb something very big. Or you could sit in the eatery all day and play settlers of Catan!!!!! that would probably make the school paper!!!!! Or I could come and we could slackline like there was no tomorrow!!!!!
